AU Aviation, LLC (hereinafter referred to as “AU Aviation”) agrees to act as an authorized agent on behalf of its customers (“Passengers”) to secure private charter services according to the following terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”). By booking an aircraft through AU Aviation Passengers agree to these Terms and Conditions.

AU Aviation reserves the right to amend or modify the Terms and Conditions periodically. Any changes will become effective upon publication on AU Aviation website and application (“Application”). Continued use of AU Aviation services or Application after such posting indicates Passenger’s agreement to the updated Terms and Conditions. AU Aviation and Passenger are sometimes referred to collectively as “parties” and individually as a “party.”

A charter quote is not a confirmed reservation. All reservations are on a first come first serve basis and subject to aircraft and crew availability at the time of booking. Upon acceptance of terms and conditions listed herein, this document becomes a legal and binding contract between the two parties.

Daily Minimum Charge for domestic charters is 2.0 hours per day. Quote reflects estimated trip times. Actual trip times may vary due to air traffic control, weather, or other factors and will be charged accordingly. This quote does not include additional charges for catering, ground transportation, ramp fees, de-icing, hangar, flight phone, additional pilot standby time or any other miscellaneous charges, which will be billed at actual cost.

All prices quoted herein are accurate on the date quoted, are subject to change without notice, and are valid for 30 days. A credit card is required to confirm the aircraft and crew for requested dates of charter. Payment in full is required upon reservation of all international trips as well as trips that quote a total cost of more than $10,000. For all other trips, full payment is due one business day in advance of the trip. Domestic trips must be canceled 24 hours prior, and international trips 72 hours prior, to scheduled departure time, or the customer will be billed 50 percent of the estimated quote. If incurred, all additional expenses such as listed above will be billed to the client.

The Flight Quote is based on fuel costs as of the booking date. AU Aviation reserves the right to charge a fuel surcharge amount due to any increases in cost of fuel between the booking confirmation and the departure date. Passenger shall pay AU Aviation on demand any such difference in amount of the increase in fuel cost.

AU Aviation reserves the right to cancel any flight due to weather conditions which can only be determined the day of the flight.

Your aircraft has been scheduled for a specific departure time. Please be aware that the aircraft may be booked prior to your departure and after your scheduled arrival time. Please contact our Flight Support team as soon as possible if your travel itinerary changes to see if we can accommodate those changes.

Itinerary changes are permitted, but subject to aircraft and crew availability and subject to price adjustment. Notifications of changes and/or cancellations must be submitted via email to AU Aviation with sufficient notice to facilitate change requirements. Passenger manifest is required to be submitted to AU Aviation upon receipt of trip confirmation. Any changes in the passenger list and/or baggage/cargo must be reported to AU Aviation no less than 2 hours before planned departure time.

Your flight reservation may require approval from the aircraft owner. If approval is needed, the owner must give final consent for the aircraft’s use. If the owner does not approve the booking, AU Aviation will attempt to modify the trip terms for approval or find a replacement aircraft for the passenger. A surcharge may apply for the replacement aircraft. If a substitute aircraft is not found within 12 hours of the booking being declined, both parties will be released from their obligations under these Terms and Conditions

Passengers must present photo identification for domestic flights and all bags are subject to inspection prior to boarding aircraft. Official travel documents (passports, visas, etc.) and/or photo I.D. are required for flights outside the United States and are the responsibility of each passenger.

AU Aviation retains the right to sell additional charters during active layovers, without credit or offset to the client, provided such charters do not interfere with the confirmed itinerary.

AU Aviation shall not be liable for any injury, damage, loss, expense, indirect, special or consequential damages, or other irregularity caused by the defect of any vehicle or conveyance, or the negligence of any company or person engaged in conveying the passenger(s) or carrying out the arrangements for your trip or by accident, delay, flight schedule, change, cancellation, illness, weather, strikes, war, quarantine, or any similar cause. Our liability shall in any case be limited to the amount paid to us, and any claim shall be adjudicated in and governed by the laws of the state(s) in which we have our principal business location.

AU Aviation is not liable for expenses incurred for replacement transportation in the case of aircraft maintenance issues, (in such cases our charges apply only on portions of flight completed). If a flight does not reach its destination due to weather, charges apply to any destination reached and return flight of the aircraft and crew (with or without passengers) to home base. In the case of aircraft maintenance issues, AU Aviation may at its option provide substitute transportation which shall be charged as an additional fee. In such cases, AU Aviation will charge for the portions of flight completed plus the additional replacement transportation.

Aircraft owned and/or leased by AU Aviation are operated under FAA Part 135 Air Carrier Certificate #4MH934N. Contracted aircraft are operated under their respective FAA Part 135 Air Carrier Certificates. In which case, charterer shall hold harmless and shall indemnify AU Aviation against any and all losses.

AU Aviation requires all Passengers and their guests to strictly adhere to the following rules of conduct in order to ensure a safe, friendly and respectful experience on flights arranged by AU Aviation. These rules are not intended to restrict the rights of anyone, but rather to ensure that all Passengers, as well as AU Aviation and aircraft operator personnel, can expect to be safe and treated with dignity and respect at all times. If any Passenger engages in conduct that AU Aviation considers improper, offensive or likely to risk endangering the safety of other Passengers or AU Aviation or aircraft operator personnel, then such Passenger may be reprimanded and/or denied transportation. All determinations will be made in the sole discretion of AU Aviation’s management.

Passengers and their guests cannot transport pets on shared charter flights. Only service animals are allowed. AU Aviation may charge cleaning fees for service animals if imposed by an operator. Passengers must notify AU Aviation at least 48 hours before departure if bringing a service animal on a shared charter flight. Unauthorized pet transport on shared flights incurs a $1,000 fine and cleaning fees, charged to the Passenger’s credit card. Passengers violating this policy agree to pay the fine and cleaning fees.

The FAA has imposed air traffic arrival and departure time slots requiring reservations into most mountain resort airports during the ski season months or during special events such as the Olympic Games. AU Aviation cannot be held responsible if reservation slots are not available for your requested itinerary. Also, please be aware that if your schedule changes, AU Aviation may not be able to change the reserved slot time to accommodate those changes.

Unless prepayment has been made in full, I hereby authorize AU Aviation to obtain authorization from my credit card provider for the above charter quote and agree to pay trip price in full, one business day in advance of the beginning of the trip. Please debit my credit card in the amount of the trip price one business day in advance of the beginning of the trip.

Due to the nature and price advantage of Empty Legs, they can be canceled anytime without notice due to scheduling changes, mechanical issues, flight cancellations, ground holds, crew duty limitations, medical conditions, or other Force Majeure reasons. Passengers understand and agree that AU Aviation does not guarantee or provide replacement aircraft if an Empty Leg is canceled. If canceled, AU Aviation is only liable for the price paid by the Passenger for the Empty Leg. AU Aviation is not liable for compensation, substitute travel costs, or any other damages.

AU Aviation does not own or operate any aircraft and does not carry aviation insurance. Passengers understand that AU Aviation is not liable for injury, damage, loss, expense, or any other irregularity caused by aircraft defects, negligence, accidents, delays, schedule changes, cancellations, sickness, weather, strikes, war, quarantine, or similar causes. AU Aviation’s liability is limited to the amount paid by the Passenger.

Passengers must comply with TSA and other governmental regulations and present valid identification before departure. For international flights, a valid passport and any required visas or entry documentation are necessary. The operator may refuse boarding to anyone without proper documentation or noncompliance with regulations, without any obligation or recourse from the operator or AU Aviation.

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